
In my little world "I am Queen"

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

The Cookie Card

After much ice, snow, sleet, rain and whatever else Mother Nature decided to toss our way yesterday school was let out early. I decided to work through lunch and go pick up my favorite little man so he could skip the after school program and hit the grocery store before all the crazies got there.

That was my second mistake…the first promising my boy a free cookie from the bakery with the cookie card I carry with me faithfully. Unbeknown to me the damn thing expired on New Year’s Eve…who knew??

We get to the bakery and I am frantically diving deep into my unorganized wallet looking for the “card” pull it out and hear the “mean old hag” ahem, sweet little old lady say – honey you need a new card. O I do? This one did expire…thinking she will just give my boy the cookie and let me move on. What the sweet freaking hell was I thinking?? Thirty minutes of torture began.

I said I don’t have any cash on me, I just came for a few things I will get the card on my way out after I get cash from my purchases. She looked right at me and my mouth watering boy and said, “I will not give you the cookie without the card.”

Commence tears and I am not talking little tears, I am talking freaking tears of cats and dogs the size of wild cats and great danes. I of course stomp off, remembering I have a five dollar bill of my stash cash in the console of my car. Now remember, the weather is not the greatest out and I have a 5 year old with me in the shopping cart sitting and crying because some nut job will not give up a stale rainbow cookie...so I do what any mother of year would - I take the cart park it in the foyer of the store leaving my purse with child so no one will think I ran off and left him – run out in the elements of the shitty day for a five dollar bill. Mom to the rescue…

Once I get back into the store I walk back to the bakery hand the bitch (sweet as been long gone from mind) lady behind the counter the five and she looks at me and says, “I do not have change.” MOTHER FUCKING GOD, it’s a cookie. It is not like I was asking her to stuff the whole tray down my shirt and pants to steal.

I had to go up to the front of the store to the customer service desk and purchase the card there. I stood for ten minutes while the manager and another worker talked about some other employee being in a bad mood. I thought they have yet to see a bad mood. Meanwhile, my child again in tears, the poor thing just wanted a cookie. All I wanted was a little help! I wanted saved.

I smiled saying, I would like a cookie card, seems they like to play hard to get. She just looked at me and I said it has only taken me thirty minutes in your store to get my child one.

I am thinking of sending customer service email to the owner of the local store; however I am not sure what I want to say yet.

But damn it, we got our cookie card for 2009!



Blogger Diane said...

I recommend you always carry change and/or keep a spare $10.00 in your wallet for emergencies. The change regularly comes in handy for me.

I never promise cookies anymore cause that's usually when they are all out. In our local Kroger stores here, cookies are free to the kids. You just grab one. Harley loves this.

12:22 PM  
Blogger DMM said...

Blah blah blah...I know I know I know...

2:11 PM  

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