
In my little world "I am Queen"

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Beach Success and Stories

I’m back finally from the beach – let me just say it was a successful volleyball tourney for our group. I along with my other teammate Denise took 3rd place on Saturday and then on Sunday Tim and I pulled away with 2nd losing to friends of ours. I would say not a bad trip at all. We had several other winners in our group as well. We cleaned H O U S E!!

There were lots of inside jokes made that weekend along with some impressions of Will Ferrell – Staring contest – YOU WIN, AS YOU ALWAYS DO, THAT’S THE ONLY REASON I KEEP COMING BACK. Good times were had with wild DANCE PARTY moves. Whenever someone said “dance party” like it was the word of the day from the Pee Wee Herman show craziness broke all throughout the house or beach. Lastly, the word Captain was followed up with shouts of AHRRR on command.

Two crazy engagements took place in our group – one at the infamous restaurant Crabby Dicks – with the ring being made out of a paper napkin along with some other clothing attire, ties, hats and scarves. Only to find out later the engagement was broken off and the sister of the ex was asked this time given a straw in the shape of a ring to be used as the symbol of love. A straw because it was worth more then a 2 month salary - who knew?

A night of Wade sandwiches were made with pickle toppings of Denise and James only to have James going thump in the night after some jumping on the bed. However, I missed that action so I’m not really clear on the story here, it just sounded fun.

Last but not least, The Office marathon – hysterical – laughing so hard everyone’s sides hurt. Plus, the wonderful picking on of each other and sneers of poking fun – the only kind of poking friends can make at each other.

Which will lead me to this last part of my story – to read about the night at the Frog Pond click
  • Here as you will find yourself laughing so hard you might just pee yourself!!
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