
In my little world "I am Queen"

Monday, February 12, 2007

Hard to believe

It's hard to believe that Monday is here, yet again. I haven't blogged all week. That should tell you that my week was very quiet. I guess I have just been laying low as well.

There really isn't much to report, sometimes dull and boring can be good. Laying low has been working well for me - it's keeping me out of the gossip loop - This, I like.

However, this coming weekend should be filled with a ton of good times with many stories to be told at the water cooler come Monday or uh, Tuesday. As I'm one of the lucky ones to have President's Day off. YIPPEE - sleeping in and lounging all day in the flannels, what more could a gal ask for? Unless, I brave the slopes. Hummmnnnn...

As for the week, I have a friend that has purchased a local bar, remodeled it completely and is finally ready for the public. The grand opening is to be tomorrow. Friday you may be able to find me there hanging out paying patronage to the new establishment.

I have a feeling there will be many folks that I know there so I'm not sure how long I'll actually stick around. I have come to find it's not a small world, it's a small town that I live in. Everyone knows everyone and especially your private business. So being out of site and mind is a good thing.

Saturday is a trip into the 'burgh with close friends which should be a blast. We are hitting a local night club for dancing and drinks all around. Ah, a new place to hang and there no one knows you.

However, it'll all be over in the blink of an eye, we'll be back to work before we know it.



Blogger Nadine said...

Welcome back. Sometimes being invisible in a small town is tough. I lived in one of those. Hope all goes well with your week.

Enjoy the long weekend.

12:40 PM  
Blogger DMM said...

just being me - thanks...i guess im just in a funk lately. hopefully i can snap out of it soon. i'm not use to being out of sorts.

4:36 AM  

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