LM and I went to a photo studio to have some pics taken. Although, he clung on to my leg like there was no tomorrow, he did great. After riding the farm tractor around the studio he began to ham it up for the pretty girls...
Then he found out there was a bat, ball...
Not to mention two of moms favorites...
Others can be seen over there ----> on my flickr account ---->. Enjoy. As I know I enjoyed taken him.
Labels: Easter photos
Great pictures. Nice to see that his hair grew back in nicely, too. He looks so much bigger than when we saw him in October.
That bat looks little too big for him. Sort of like a bat The Babe might use. Could that be a sign? Why isn't he wearing his Spiderman costume for the photos?
The bat was huge and weighed more then he did. I didn't care though it got him over the shy stage. He has outgrown the spidey faze. Has the outfit on for a few minutes then wants it off. Having gotten the new spidey jacket certainly helped.
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