
In my little world "I am Queen"

Friday, August 28, 2009

The 2nd Day of First Grade

This is my conversation with my little first grader on the 2nd day of school…

Mom: “Hey bud, how was school today?”

Ty: “It was good. Mom do you know that she is going to make us do math tomorrow and I have to make a frog? Seriously Mom, I don’t even know how to make a frog.”

Mom: “Well, Don’t you think your teacher will help you?”

Ty: “Yes, she’ll help me. You know mom she is nice. She’s nice like Mrs. R.”

All I could so was laugh – especially when he said, “Seriously Mom.”


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

First Grade

The school year is right around the corner. I am full of mixed emotions; mostly excited for Ty. He is playing football again this year and loving it. However, he feels he doesn't need to go to practice because, "Mom, I know how to play the game."

As for me, if you want to play you got to practice!"
