
In my little world "I am Queen"

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Money Comes and Money Goes

You all know about the infamous McDonald’s Monopoly game going on, right?! If not, you are either not in America or are living under a rock somewhere in the caves of the dessert.

Here is my little story to share with you about how money comes and money goes. While in the Sin City for a conference the boy toy and I decided to grab a bite to eat at yes, you got it, McDonald’s for breakfast. Having never really been one to play those games I thought why not so I opened our games pieces and there it was – BOARDWALK one of the most expensive pieces of real estate on the board. The conversation went something like this:

Me: Save those pieces, do you know how hard it is to get Boardwalk? I mean we could win some major bucks here.

Boy Toy: Okay, but you know you will never win? Your chances of getting hit with lightening are better.

Me: I do not care, I will take my chances. Besides are we not in Vegas, the land of forever gambling?

…I am now going to fast forward you back to my hometown…

Me: Um, Ter where are the pieces that I asked you to keep for the monopoly game when we were in Vegas?

Boy Toy: I think I still have them in the fanny pack.

Me: Can you get them? You are never going to believe what piece was on my Sweet Tea today. PARK PLACE the second most expensive piece of real estate that is going to make you and I very happy when I put the codes in for the online game.

After much digging for the piece of gold a very sad and worried boy toy comes down from the attic and says:

I must have thrown the pieces out from Vegas while I was packing to come home.


Easy come and easy go and damn it I will never have the opportunity of having those two pieces together ever again! Again, this is why I do not gamble or play money winning games because I always lose.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A Son's Love is Announced

Every morning when I drop Ty off for school I always say - "Remember how much I love you... from here to the moon!" Then I shower him with a few hugs and kisses - got to get them all in now because when he is older he is not going to let that happen at all.

Well, this morning was no different, I walked him to the doors of the school, rang the bell and said, "Ok buddy, remember how much I love you - from here to the moon!"

He returned with saying, "Well Mom, I LOVE YOU...from here to the grass."


Monday, October 13, 2008

Sin City

What folks at a Risk Management Safety Conference really do when they are not in meetings. You determine the safer of the four videos.


Monday, October 06, 2008

The Bride and her Lovely Maids

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

A Wedding Through My Eyes

Saturday, my two dearest friends whom I have gotten to know through the boy toy will wed. I feel lucky to have been asked to be a part of this most magical day. I started out as a reader then graduated to hottie bridesmaid with three others. This is truly the hottest bridal party I have ever seen by far and I have been in my share of weddings.

The movie 28 Dresses – made after me I swear it. I consider myself to be a professional bridesmaid!!

Enough of that back to the meat of my entry –

I met this couple through the boy toy and fell in love with them immediately. She has two of the most precious little girls ever to set foot on this earth. One which, is hopelessly in love with Ty and will one day wed. We do have the arranged married thing going here…cannot have our children doing it themselves now, can we?

D is about to marry one of the nicest guys I have ever met in my life. He lives not only for her but her two children, that he has taken under his wing and easily fell in love with.

D, I cannot wait to see you in your gown and cry with you a little bit...I cannot wait to watch you and the hubster say your vows and see the love you both have for each other grow that day. I cannot wait to see your precious little angels gain a father figure - a man who adores them as much as he would his own children...and most importantly I cannot wait to drink a beer to you both.

DB, not to leave you out – but a man in a tux – woof, woof…weak spot for any girl. But this is about the Bride, I’m sure you will understand.

I am not usually emotional at weddings but I have a feeling this wedding may do the trick for me. I have watched you two grow in the two years I have known you. I have watched DB look at you, D, with a full intensity of true love. I have seen you glow when he walks into the room every single time.

My heart skips a beat every time I see you two together. This wedding makes me proud to be a bridesmaid, a cheerleader from the sideline, if you will. I love you both as much as any friend could.

So here is to your Wedding Day – may you both grow old together loving each other more and more every day.


The Bride and Bridal Party

Me, M, Bride, MOH and in front J.
