On the Mend
Surgery went well. I was back to work on Monday and took off yesterday. Actually, I worked a few hours from home yesterday. I have an incredible amount of stiffness and pain especially in the mornings.
The Doctor went in and cleaned up the bi-cep tendon; socket area and cleared out some bone that was causing irritation along with scar tissue and excess cartilage. I will know more after my two week check up appointment with him.
He mentioned that surgery could not have gone better and therapy will start right away. I had my first therapy session on Monday. After an hour of moving and grooving the shoulder area actually felt okay until the next morning. I was sore from therapy and nauseated from the pain; at that point I decided it was best to work from home.
I was released to drive and remove my immobilizer except for high risk areas, such as the mall and local bars, should I choose to go out. The dressing has been removed and I have 4 small incisions no bigger then my pinky fingernail.
It is amazing how far along the medical industry has come and how quickly the recovery time is. The doctor feels that I will be back to normal in 6 weeks. I feel that there is no normal and 6 weeks in my opinion will be pushing it – but then again what do I know – I do not have the medical degree.
For now, I am letting “T” handle everything and just relaxing or um, being lazy as I like to call it.
Labels: Surgery Recovery