The Move
I am back at work today and let me tell you I am freaking exhausted!! Yesterday, the move commenced at a bright 630AM and ended at a dark 1 of the AM this morning. Slept awful no cable until 830A today, but hey I am a girl and we jump at odd noises in the night. So of course, gym in the AM and more grocery shopping a girl can never have to many groceries. ;) Especially one that loves to eat and cook.
But I am all moved in; unpacked and all appliances are HOOKED UP!! How is that for efficiency? Call it what you want a girl who gets the job done or some wacko job train wreck who doesn't know how to slow down or whatever you want. I think I ROCK. BTW - did I mention all of that plus a volleyball game was in that mix? Yea, I did play...played not so bad either. LOL
So since all the grocery shopping and room organizing was finished I figured I come on in to the big corporate world today and not waste a good vacation day. I will crash when I get home after my girl dinner at the local watering hole and a wicked game of volleyball at 845...UGH
But sweet victory when I get to that bed of mine tonight and have the ah, ever so blessed cable TV to lull me to sleep land...not to mention the cold water and fresh ice cubes from the auto water/ice maker fridge that is O SO BRAND NEW and cool looking in the color of BLACK.
Ah, life IS IS good. Most days.