
In my little world "I am Queen"

Friday, June 30, 2006

Me & The Volleyball Queens

Baby No More

My son is now the Big 3 Years Old, I no longer have a baby (who am I kidding? He'll always be my baby.). It is a bitter sweet feeling. He's 3 and can do more on his own and isn't always needing or wanting me hovering over him - but that is also the bitter part. It saddens but thrills me to see him growing up so fast. I just want to freeze time and have him wanting to cuddle with me before bedtime and scream I love you's and Mommy I want more hugs and kisses, until I'm downstairs after I put him bed. The best is when he gently kisses me for no reason at all.

One day he'll become a teenager and learn to dislike me for unreasonable decisions in his eyes that I'll make for him (like no I won't buy you a car at 16 and hell no you can't have a co-ed sleep over or go to one.) This saddens me or maybe it just puts a fear in me that I can not control and I like being in control of my life and my child's life.

Last night after the dreaded volleyball game, which by the way we crushed the opponent easily and quickly as I predicted, I rushed home changed and back out the door again to celebrate the milestone event. We took Little Man to The Ranger miniature Golf Course and he did quite well. I think my son is an athletic genius, but what mother doesn't? We got half way thru the course and it began to rain. My son burst into song "Rain, Rain, Go Away." I stood in awe as I looked at him thinking he is the cutest thing God has ever given to me and I'm proud to be his momma. Hugs and kisses to my baby boy and Happy 3rd Birthday.

Today is the start of my vacation...I am counting down the hours until I leave work for the day. My desk is clean, all my work is done and life is good.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Beach Bound

We are this year going to Sandbridge, VA for a glorious 7 days of Sand, Sun and Fun. Not to mention good food, great beverages and company. I can not wait. I love to vacation, if it was a profession I would be CEO of that company. I love lazy days of watching my now 3 year old and his daddy playing in the sand and surf. Watching my husband and son play together is the most heart melting wonderful feeling out there. I must say it makes me realize again, why I married this man.

This will be Little Man's 2nd year of beaching it with us along with all Aunts, Uncles, Nieces, Nephews and Grandparents...So there are a total of 14 Adults and 13 Children in one house. One nephew can not make it (he just got back from Italy) and one is coming for the weekend. He is interning in Baltimore, MD for the summer. We have a huge beach front house with a pool and a ton of other amenities.

I'm looking forward to watching my child run up to the ocean and quickly run away from it as he did last year and just watching our family grow closer together and interact with every other family member. No worry of work issues; No computers; and No cell phones ringing. Other then to call my sister (di) on her birthday. Just family time which is needed greatly in this busy crazy society in today's warped world.

I have so much to do and feel there is so little time. I have been ill this week and all I do when I get home is go to bed. Tonight is Little Man's 3rd Birthday and I have a volleyball game where I must go, I tried to get out of it but cannot. Half our team is on vacation and we are playing some team that I do not care for as the the team is rude and think they are good. Truth is they are awful, horrible, play backyard like and think they are A players and it'll make for a miserable night. Plan is to go to the park - beat them fast - then take Little Man for Ice Cream and maybe mini-golf.

I am usually overly organized and not having time to even start v-ka mode is killing me to no end. Here I sit at work typing this on my "clean air break" wishing I was at home packing my son's beach towels and floaties. The good thing is...it will get done just not fast enough to make me happy.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Gym Rats

By using this above title I don't really mean Rat as in the animal sense...these are folks who are at the gym at least 3+ times a week. Today as I was crunching it out working on my over the hill body when I decided to take in the scenery...as you will note I love people watching...

I noticed more guys standing around bs-ing and checking themselves out in the 50+ mirrors they have on the walls...why is this? Why do men feel the need to stand there staring at themselves for minutes on end looking at their bodies. Meanwhile, I'm pounding it out on the treadmill or some other machine trying not to pass out and die.

Some of these kids are nicely built meaning not overdone. Although, there is one kid (and I say kid because he's not 25 yet)in particular that I found myself noticing more then the others - no there's not attraction - I personally think he's overbuilt and on some type of drug...and my hubby is the total package - but this kid is huge all around - except for his tiny little head. Imagine a barbie doll head on a cabbage patch kids body...to bad there's not a machine to work out your head muscle growth I guess...because if there was he'd be doing it I'm sure.

The best part about this crazy little story is today I decided to join in the fun (as I know most of these gym rats fairly well)...as I got up from my workout and starting heading towards the free weights, I stopped stood in front of the mirror and checked myself out while raising my arms doing the bicep curl and kissing both biceps. So boys would you like to buy tickets to this gun show?

Please note - I felt rather stupid doing it, so I still can't understand why men don't feel the same way...

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Day after Bday Party

My son wakes at 730 (on 6/30) - yelling from his room - HEY MOM; HEY MOM...I slowly open my eyes and yell back over HEY WHAT? COME ON OVER...he does...only to learn - his pillow is wet...I check it's slobber...how nice...my son drools in his sleep...

We proceed with the fight of "do you want to go potty?" question back and forth he finally does go. Yes, I bribed him with something chocolate of course...but hey whatever works...

I tell him to meet me downstairs to get dressed...I hear wheels roaming over my hardwood floors look out of the den only to see a buck naked 3 year old riding his spiderman scooter thru the first floor of our house...GO SPIDY...

Spiderman is Surprise Guest

On Friday (06/23) I hosted my son's 3rd birthday party. We had great food (we love to eat) and tons of friends and family over for the joyous milestone occasion. My son has a love for Spiderman, we're not sure where this love has come from but it's great. After talking with my friends about this love I find out that B...has a costume of Spiderman from a Halloween Party and let us borrow it. Thanks again B. I asked my nephew (S) if he would do the honor of playing the part and he was quite thrilled about it...so after opening all the gifts - the doorbell suddenly rings - my little man takes off like a bolt of lightening to find the web wonder standing at the door with a new spiderman bike and helmet all the while shooting silly string from his hands. Little man proceeds to literally try to climb up my leg into my arms out of fear of this unknown creature standing before him...and all I can do is laugh...but after about 5 minutes my son finally decides to give Spiderman high 5 and thank him for coming...all while still being in mommy's arms. Thank you Spiderman for a job well done!! Funny thing about this story is if you ask Little Man who came to his party he screams Spiderman as proud as can be and then we ask what he did when Spiderman came to the house and he says, "I cried." I love this little boy!!

New Blogger

How about I'm about to get into the latest craze of posting my life and stories with the whole world to view...Crazy, I say Crazy...but hopefully fun...it'll be a cool way to just post things instead of sending emails...maybe I'm just getting lazy? A little about me - I'm a full time mom; who works full time for a company I won't ever mention - but I handle insurance for them in a confused insurance hungry world and have it well...pretty good.

I have a great husband (S) and a wonderful son (Little man or T) who by the way is 3 on Thursday...had a great b-day party for Little man and guest of honor was Spiderman...My nephew did a GREAT JOB!!

I have 5 wonderful (I truly mean that) sister in laws - who are all married to 5 totally cool gentlemen and have 14 nieces and nephews on (S's) side. I have 3 awesome sisters - 3 cool brother in laws and 3 nieces and nephews on my side...quite the large family - but the more the merrier - right? I think so...

I am a huge volleyball fan and player who is well...ok somedays and ok not somedays...but we all have that I guess. I travel far and wide to play in tourneys a few times a year and belong in 2 leagues back home...Just got back from playing in the Pottstown Rumble in PA and it should have been name - MUD Fest...Rain, Rain and MUD all around...Quite dirty but so much fun. It was a so so day.

I enjoy working out; just so I can eat that dish of icecream at 9pm and have that snack from the vending machine at 3pm. I love to travel and love the beach.

I will be posting everyday life stories of me, my family and probably not my job. Having a 3 year old keeps life interesting especially for a new 1st time parent. But I wouldn't change my life for anything...well maybe I wouldn't mind winning the lottery and having it all, but then again, that brings on new problems...so again, I'll keep my totally insane crazy life...I hope you enjoy my blog.

If you do happen to respond to any of my posts, be kind and keep nasty comments or advice at bay. I think mean people suck.