
In my little world "I am Queen"

Friday, September 29, 2006

Guys night out

Tonight is guys night out. The hubby is going to the 'burgh with his best buddy and you're never going to guess who else!!!

Not in a million years would you be able to guess this. It's someone famous that well, we, well, some of us, watched growing up. None of us ever wanted to date this nerdy character who was in such head over heels in love with Lisa but we adored his hottie friends Zack and Slater - Oh My!! Slater and those dimples.

He will be drinking at the dance club with Screech. Not only will he be drinking with him but he will be hanging out with him - walking in with him and part of the entourage for the night. How freaking cool is that?

I know, you're all full of jealousy and rage because it's not you, I can sense it.

The jist of the story is the good buddy's girlfriend's sister is dating Screech - WOW!! Did you get that? (Ferris's cousin's friend's girlfriend's brother's sister saw Ferris at the tastey freeze last night and he wasn't feeling well.) What a great movie...

So enjoy guys night out, be safe and really enjoy those 50 cent drafts from 10-12. I would be all over that offer more so than the one of the special guest appearance.

I can only hope he gets the story behind the sex scandal tape going around. Which by the way - made Pardon the Interruption (PTI) news line breakdown on Wednesday night.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Stalker Alert!

I got a call today from one of my dearest friends:

G - "You are not going to believe this but I have a stalker."

D - "What?" "Who?"

G - "Yea, he left a heavy breathing message on my cell last night."

D - "You're kidding me?" "Did you get the number from your cell call list?" "Call the rat back!"

G - "No, but what I got was HEEEEEE HOOOOO HEEEEE HOOOOO for about a minute then, he said, "Hey Gina, what you doin? Call me K?"

Dead silence on my end as I'm a little taken back at this point.

She begins to chuckle.

G - "It was your little man."

D - "Phew." "Wait, when did this happen?" "Did he call you from my cell?"

G - "Last night." "Yea, it was your cell number."

D- "Well, at least it's a 3 year old stalker and not some crazed middle aged pervert man."

G - "Three year olds are so much easier to handle then your typical older pervert stalker." "Three year olds just want attention, candy and darling little kisses and hugs."

D - "And we girls know this why?"

G - "Now that I think about it all men are stalkers."

D - "You're right, even the ones we marry." "They just stalk us for other reasons and they are allowed, because of you know, that thing called a marriage certificate!"

*sighs* from both parties

Then the ultimate girlie - giggle giggle giggle

Celebrate Good Times - Come On!

Time to celebrate...

I finally reached my goal weight. A few pounds have been toying with me, haunting me if you will, for the past month and today, yes today I hit the scale after my workout and WHOA BABY...what did it read? MINUS 5 from when I weighed in last week. Who's my best friend now? Yep, that dreaded ugly gray scale...O how it became the most precious site today. I so wanted to hug it and thank it or just give it a good ole high five for a job well done.

O glorious running those damn 2.5 miles a day and the lifting those meaningless heavy weights...and the awful ignoring all those yummy yummy sweets...that do call me by name...How I miss you all terribly so; even tho it has been well worth it!


Yep, that's right - just in time for sweater season!!

So who's meeting me at the DQ for a Blizzard?

Fashion Statement

Last night I hear, "Hey Mom, I wanna wear my boots."

"What boots?"

"You know, my blue boots."

O those boots...sometimes you just pick your battles and this is one that I was not picking.

"Okay, let me get them."

The boots are on but wait - the sweats - my little man can't get the pant leg over the boot or tucked in. Light bulb comes on and his blue shorts appear along with his Big Ben T; and Yes, O Yes, the lovely blue moon boots.

I then hear, "See you later, Mom." "I'm going out to cut the grass, cause it's getting long."

As my little fashion statment heads to the garage to get his bubble lawn mower I think, ok, so he's 3 and doesn't know any better. All that mattered at that moment was he was thrilled to have on his blue moon boots.

My Little Fashion Statement

Monday, September 25, 2006


One Night of Volleyball - $6.00
2 Yinglings, a BLT and part of an Icecream Parfait - $10.00
Getting yelled at for an ass smacking that either happened or didn't - PRICELESS

For everything else there's - JEALOUSY

Slap Happy

Yesterday was our first league volleyball game in Rural Pa. I have a new team and the folks I'm playing with seem to be a lot of fun. We ended up losing our match last night but I really wasn't to upset about it, as I'm playing with my BFF Timmy and his brother and crew.

I will however, tell you what I am upset about. Our team consists of a husband, wife - great people. I have known the husband (K) for sometime and just met the wife (C) - also very nice. My great friend TW; a pastor who I can't seem to remember his name and another new guy Collin. Again, all super nice folks and a lot of fun to play with.

After the game was over I sat around chatting with friends whom I hadn't seen for about a year C makes her way over to me and says, "I need to talk to you." "I feel really odd saying this to you but I told Collin's wife I would."

It took me a minute to figure out who Collin was and I have no idea who is wife is.

I stood there dumbfounded and said, "Ok, shoot." I wasn't even sure where this conversation was going but I knew something was wrong as C looked serious.

She continues to tell me that Collin's wife is livid because I smacked him on the ass after a play.

I looked at her as was like, "What are you talking about?" "I did what, when?"

"She said you smacked his ass here tonight."

"Oh my Gosh, I don't remember doing that, did I?"

"Well, if I did, I don't remember and it was more than unintentional." Maybe I did it only because I wasn't paying attention and meant to hit his hand or pat him on the back on my way back to my position."

"Where is she, I'll be more than happy to apologize?"

"She left."

Here is where the story gets juicy or out of control if ask me.

Darla, "Don't worry about it." "She is the most flirtatious girl I know." "I've had to talk to her about flirting with my husband before." "It was to the point where it was causing problems."

"What, what does that mean?" "She's a flirt but at the same time livid because I did something that I'm unaware I even did?"

"Yes," "but I'll talk to her I'll see her at - GET THIS - Bible study this week. We have 3 Bible meetings a week we go to." "She's one of my best friends."

"Next week, please make sure that Collin is not even near me on the court."

What the hell is all this about? I don't even remember smacking anyone in the ass let alone some guy that I just met. The wife according to her best friend - huge flirt - but is livid because some chic unintentionally supposedly smacked her hubby in the rear?

All I can think of that happened - I was walking back to my place on the court I went to smack hands after a good play and didn't realize he didn't have his hand out or I missed his hand completely (dah) and smacked his rear end. Who cares, what's the crime? I can honestly say I probably didn't even say 5 words to the guy all night - let alone - grab at his ass for kicks and giggles - if I even actually did.

Another good thing about this is - when the crazed wife approached Collin about this he had no clue what she was talking about - so did it really happen? I have no idea. - Replay the tape...

It's going to be a LONG 11 weeks.

God love my friend Trav - as he said crazed wife is just mad cause I'm adorable, athletic and playing volleyball beside her husband. Truthfully, I don't think that's it but it'll work for now.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Am I really to nice?

Why is it when asked to do something I just do it? No questions asked and I feel fine with it, no matter what the circumstance. You ask it's done, whether it be helping with a team project at work; a family member or a friend. Ask and bippityboppityboo - just like that done. A wave of my wand and BAM.

Then when explaining to another party about what is going on, yes, so maybe a wrench was thrown into the system because of a small insignificant plan change, you would have thought the world was ending. Not so, just a slight time change - a few minutes of my time being taken up not theirs. Should be a non issue right? Holy hell...

I was asked to do something for someone and even though I am being inconvenienced in a huge way I know this is helping the other person out. The other party thinks I'm stupid, how lovely...not that that was said but that's how I was made to feel. I'm not so happy about it. Really, who likes to be made out to feel stupid? If you do, get a clue and some confidence.

UGH...why be nice? Is it really worth it? One would think so.

Can I learn to be mean and say one little word - NO - I doubt it.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

A not so feeling pretty day!

The tingling started on Monday at work in the middle of a meeting...UGH...not again I thought...I go away for 3 days in the sun stocked with enough chapstick for the whole damn Rehoboth Beach area and low and behold a freaking sun blister appears. Every damn time I swear it.

Why? Why does this happen to me? Why when I get a fever blister do I feel ugly and dirty? In this day in age WHY IS THERE NOT A CURE? Last but not least, why is my Zovirax prescription $75 freaking dollars? One would think for $75.00 once you put this cream on the ugliness would magically disappear in seconds then you'd feel "O so pretty" again - hell no, it takes 3-4 days if you're lucky and painful this little demon is.

I'm not a sissy when it comes to pain either but this hurts like a mother you know what...

I think I will now go and hide my head in the sand or dirt as there is no sand other then in the turtle sandbox next door.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Volleyball Girls Gone Wild

You've all heard of Girls Gone Wild - now you have "Volleyball Girls Gone Wild."

Sorry to disappoint any of you but there are no videos.

Team Charlie's Angels -
Left to right we have Wendy who is an incredible setter and has a mean cut shot; Myself who is just tall and pulls out plays when needed; last but certainly not least, Denise who is a great all around player. I could not have done it without these girls!!

We took 1st place in the Woman's Triples A/BB Division holding a record of 9-3 for the day.

After a long day of playing Denise and I celebrated our victorious day by having a few at The Irish Pub and Grill -

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Photos speaking the words for me

Darla's Beach Photos

Brad's Beach Photos

Simply click on the above links to see our infamous volleyball beach weekend pictures. Feel free to gaze and relish in the humor we have bestowed upon you of just how silly and/or good we think we look. You know you'll want to comment so by all means have at it!!

BTW - James, I'm still upset with you for kicking me to the curb on Saturday night. Especially since the hubby gave you permission of being my lucky date. You were missed by the group. O and the many going ons in Frogg Pond Heavan.

What happens at the beach stays at the beach!

Monday, September 18, 2006

Details Details Details

Our trip started off great until the dreaded Bay Bridge traffic. Who knew and who cares? I had no work in the morning and was just waiting to crack that bottle of Passion Fruit Rum open when I hit the hotel - which I did. YUM...the sweet taste of no responsibilities for a few days.

Friday started off with a great 2 mile run on the boardwalk taking in all the sites. For those of you who are not familiar to Rehoboth Beach, DE, it's a great place to people watch. WOW, did I ever!!

After the run - we take in breakfast at the IHOP. As I am signing in for our group of six the hostess takes my name, "Darla", I tell her. "Spell that." D-A-R-L-A - her interpretation - D-O-R-L-E-Y. Yep, I can certainly see the similarity, you? I leave it go, so not worth the battle - other than now my so-called friends are calling me Dorley. Lovely...UGH...

Friday night, we hit a new pub to party at...The Irish Pub and Grill - did you know that Saturday was half way to St. Patrick's Day? Me neither, until a buddy sent me the text message. Gotta love texting. So party on it was! Thank you for the reminder!! No green Yingling though.

After much tomfoolery we left and headed over to the infamous Frogg Pond (yes, that's right FROGG POND). There we jammed out to the 80's band and carried on for a few hours. The guys were loving the attractions at this place. I'll just mention the ratio of girls 95% to guys 5% and homosexuals to heterosexuals - well, we crashed the party. 99.9% to .01% us being the .01%.

Who cares though, really? I was there to have a good time and not worry about what anybody else was doing. I will say this - the guys with us were in Frogg Pond Heaven!! There was a lot of going ons - going on... MEEEEEOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWW.

Saturday came early - we took off to the beach for a grueling day of playing. The weather started out blah but turned into lovely rays of sunshine. Our trio battled it out for 1st place in our net and division. When I say battled it out I mean it. We needed to win our last two games and I believe they were 11-9 and 13-11. However, we prevailed!! My team members ROCK!! The prize - warm fleece pull-overs with the MAV logo embroidered on them.

As for Saturday - the other winners were *cough - sandbaggers - cough* James and Josh who took 1st in their division; Stephen and Gary also taking 1st in their division. They are not *sandbaggers* like the other above honorable mentioned. This was Stephen's first experience playing volleyball. Typical...beginners luck...

More details and photos about the weekend later...

I'm back

I made it back and survived the beach and many games of volleyball. I'm not sure where to begin or where to end with my weekend. There is so much to tell and describe that I feel I need to think and get all my thoughts in a row. So I'll be back with vivid details.

However, I will tell you this - WE WON; WE WON; WE WON!! The Charlie's Angels kicked ass; took names; never looked back. There was even some blood shed (me of course, damn sea shells!!)

Thursday, September 14, 2006

So Glad I Found You!

You know what I'm talking about...That favorite article of clothing that you have in the front of your closet or dresser drawer that you wear every and anywhere. I have found you finally, I am again complete.

Last year for Christmas a good friend got me the best fleece pants a girl could have. Not to mention they are displayed with my high school mascot and name that I proudly prance around in on a yes, daily basis. I wear this pants everywhere - the comfort level on a scale of 1 to 10 is an 11+!! I mean really, these pants ROCK!!

For the life of me I could not find these little buggers. I mean months went by. How could I let this happen? The search went for what seemed like eons. I looked in places of the home that I didn't even realize I had. Unfortunately, to no avail I was not finding them, I was miffed and bewildered that I have misplaced this most prized possession of my wardrobe.

I thought this is a cruel joke and blamed household members for snatching them. Then I thought O no, what if I left them somewhere - like at volleyball - just walked out of the gym without them after a game? Would they have found them and put them in the lost and found?

I called - nothing like that had been found. I was saddened. I cleaned out closets; drawers and even under the bed - ewww the dust bunnies I found there...got get on the cleaning lady about that.

Alas, as I'm packing for the beach trip last night digging in my large storage container full of the million and one t-shirts that I have, what do I see...my favorite fleece pants neatly folded waiting for me.

Words can not describe the excitement behind this little treasure found. I grabbed them hugged and danced around the bedroom as if I had the winning powerball ticket.

I'm thrilled to say, they are packed in my suitcase and ready for the wear this weekend. I will not let these out of my sight again. I have that special place just for their keeping - you know -that special drawer where all your favorites are kept.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Beach Bound - Yes, Again...

Yes, I know, I'm always going somewhere or doing something. That's me, always on the move.

Tomorrow, I am leaving for a glorious weekend of sun, fun, sand and volleyball with the hubby. On Saturday and Sunday we will be in what I like to call "volleyball hell," depending on the weather and how the outcome of our play is, of course. I'm hoping for a good volleyball weekend. But then again, we all are.

We play in a grueling doubles/triples sand tourney at Rehoboth Beach, DE against people we have never met and some folks we have known for years. This is always an exciting time for me as I have such a love for this sport.

Plus, I get to spend 3 days with all my friends who I have shared my life with.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Silly Reindeer Games….

Remember the game scruples? You probably played it when at a home adult party after a few brewski's and fruitie loaded alcoholic beverages. If not, and if you don't know the game it's a game where you're asked off the wall questions then decide if you would do it or not.

For example, if you were walking on the beach and noticed a couple having sex would you stop and watch? How many people would? I for one know what I would do. Stop, let my jaw hit the ground and let out the gasp of "Oh my!" Then walk away thinking good for them! So yeah, I guess that is considered watching but only briefly. Does that count as actually watching?

My friend T-dawg (again 2nd honorable mention) and I were having this decussion via email one day. Just out of the blue crazy questions flew via air waves. Call it want you want, I was having one of those work block moments and needed that smoke break. Since I don't smoke it turned into a vicious cycle of a few emails that lasted shorter then a smoke break does.

The question which was proposed, If you had a friend of the opposite sex that was your best friend "and I mean BFF" would you kiss them knowing there would be no ill fate fallen after that kiss?

I had to think about this as I have two guys who are my BFF's and I tell them everything and anything. So my answer was, of course, only because I'm the nosey type and would do it just to see what their furture girlfriends and wives have gotten themselves into.

But then again, I think maybe I like the unknown as I know these guys way more in detail then anyone else would so maybe I wouldn't want to know. It's probably for the best I don't...So I guess there is my answer, No.

Again, this was just for fun not for real and gave us two crazy girlies a good chuckle on a what would you do type thing.

My priority is not your priority...but my priority is yours.

Why is it when you need something done and you need some else's input it's not a priority but when someone else needs you to provide your input it is a priority?

Just an observation on my part....

That's all - the million dollar question for the day...

Monday, September 11, 2006

5 Years Ago Today

5 years ago today, I remember sitting in my office when my co-worker, Tammy, came in saying a plane just hit the WTC. I told her to "Shut up!" How does that happen, Pilot error? Only later to find out that a 2nd plane hit - at that time we realized it wasn't pilot error. As I sat jammed in an already crowded conference room watching the Today Show it was there I learned a plane hit the Pentagon and another went down 30 miles near our hometown in a field - Shanksville, PA.

That day I had a meeting scheduled in Baltimore for a claims review. I remember my, at that time cold hearted ass of a, boss* still wanting to leave for that meeting. As Tammy and I talked amongst ourselves saying we didn't feel comfortable going and just really wanted to be home, he broke in the conversation and said "If you two want to cancel this meeting then YOU TWO call Baltimore and tell them." "But I feel there is no reason for us not to go."

I remember thinking, what is wrong with you? We have just been struck by terrorists, four planes are down and thousands of lives have been lost and you're worried about some stupid meeting that can be rescheduled, and the say women in power have issues...what about men with power? Only to learn when we called the Baltimore office they were closed due to the attacks. Later that week we learned, they had a sister company in the 2nd WTC and no survivors. The Baltimore Branch was closed for 2 weeks.

Around 11ish that day our company got called into the rotunda area for the announcement from our CEO telling us to go home and be with our families. I remember trying to figure out which way to drive home as they closed all roads surrounding the Johnstown Airport. One would think living in the area all your life you would know all the back road nook and crannies to everywhere, not that day.

I still have that sick feeling in the pit of my stomach knowing that someone has that much hate towards you. Living in fear of things you can not control just sucks.
What were you doing that day?
*Note this is not my current boss - this boss is from a previous employer and company

Friday, September 08, 2006

Steelers Win 28-17!!

WOO HOO - what a game - well at least what I saw of it. I decided to turn over and fall asleep after the 1 yard mishap. I know, what a true fan...boo to me...You're right I had them done, down for the count...until...what did my eyes just deceive me???

I watched all the highlights this morning at 5:30 AM while pounding away on the treadmill, I even let out a loud cheer as they made the touchdown play after the coaches red flag challenge on the previous touchdown play...grrr...damn those challenges... Great job "Batch, Ward and Parker...and all the others"

All 6 of the other morning gym rats looked over at me after my cheer in disgust as I stated, What? I know, I'm a bad fan. I missed the 4th quarter - I rolled over and went to bed after the mishap. While thinking - I know they all wanted to do the same thing. I will do better next time and stick the whole game out. Now back to your work out routines!!


Thursday, September 07, 2006

Football Brawl


No wonder kids are they way they are today. What in the hell was this coach thinking? Delay hit or not his action is uncalled for. Isn't that the reason there are refs at these games - to call the penalty shots not the coaches?

I have coached 4 seasons of volleyball both boys and girls. Yes, it may not be football - but still coaching is coaching. Sure there were times I wanted to yell and scream at other players; other coaches; and of course the refs but certainly did not. Ok, one time I did, but felt guilty for it and apologized to her afterwards. They cannot see everything that goes on.

As an adult coach you are entrusted with other people's children to teach them not only the game but to respect everyone that is not only on the field but on the sidelines. If you're out there tossing other kids around what does that teach them? Brutality is ok? I don't think so.

I have been on both sides of the fence as a player and a coach, it is not easy but you have to learn "to play the ball not the call," and show maturity. Soon I will be the parent watching from the sidelines and I can't even imagine the rage that has set in with the parents of the child who was hit by the adult. I do know if it was my child that was hit, I'd be pissed and rightfully so.

I was shocked when I saw this on ESPN and remember saying to the hubby - "What in the hell just happened?" "Did that coach just knock that player down?"

What is this world coming to, after all, are we not in this coaching position for the kids?

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

First Ever Pre-school Photo

You are looking at the first ever preschool pictures for my Little Man (LM). These were taken the day after the haircut mishap. You have to admit he is quite adorable hair or no hair.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Top 25 Things About Me

I decided to write a list of 25 things about me and my personality and share it with the world. Not that anyone is interested or cares but it just gave me a little something to look at on paper or computer screen about me...I got a few good laughs out of my list as it's all true. I am certainly a piece of work. These are of course in no particular order. So have a read and a few good laughs while doing so.

1. I have mad organizational skills
2. I have coached girls and boys High School volleyball
3. Friends tell me I'm bossy (and they're right)
4. I always get what I want (ok not always but 90% of the time)
5. I'm self driven
6. I have gained 25 pounds since High School
7. I gained 55 pounds when pregnant with LM and lost it all plus 15
8. I'm a smartass no matter what the circumstance is
9. I love to Travel
10. I play a mean game of volleyball
11. I'm very competitive in everything I do
12. I love girls night out (which doesn't happen to often)
13. I have a fear of deep water (but will swim)
14. I have a fear of flying (but will fly)
15. I like to be in control of my life at all times
16. I love love love to eat
17. I enjoy working out (but wonder everyday if it's worth it)
18. I love to people watch
19. I have won money playing volleyball (not much but some - $100)
20. I enjoy cooking new foods
21. My favorite sound is hearing my son laugh
22. I'm not afraid to admit when I'm wrong - (I don't like it - but I'll admit it)
23. I'm a Yingling girl
24. I'm not afraid to confront people when I know they are wrong
25. I make sure to find humor everyday (this keeps you young)